Our Mission

Our Mission at Mt.Washington is to reach lost souls in all corners of the world (MATT 28), and to build up the body of believers that worship here in this church and community. We want this community to feel the love of Christ while standing firm upon the foundation laid for us in the Holy Bible. We love God and others by obeying Christ’s commands. "For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome.” (1 John 5:3 ESV)

We also have a passion for helping our community by supporting local and international organizations such as, (local) New Life For Girls in Dover, Northeastern FoodBank, Various other Food Pantries, York Rescue Mission, Human Life Services York, and (international) EMU international, UB Global, amongst others. We wont reach the world unless we are sowing the seeds of truth and love!